2. That was a savage beat-down that Arsenal took at the hands of Chelski today. I guess they've "found their level." A horrible phrase, but the season finds them finishing well-above the 5th spot and well-below the 3rd, and . . . that seems accurate.
3. I'd like to see Arsenal's front five combined with Chelsea's back six. That would be a nice team.
4. Techno issue: How to make the text of Arms and Ether search-able? Technically there's no text reference, because each strip is just a big stupid graphic. Anyone know how to deal with this? I'm not worried about it at this second, but I'd like to deal with this (and a big ol narsty site redesign) during the summer.
5. Random Guilty Pleasure:
Miles man, you might need an ALT tag to go with your image? Or at least put in a text title on the same page as you comic image. This may help the search thingy-mah-jig. Perhaps that will work. But what do I know. -d.marshall
ah, that is a fine, fine start, Sir Dave! Merci!
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