I'm trying to get a handle on drawing Renaissance-style ruffled collars (or "ruffs") because the Arms and Ether character, Ginger Childe, sports one. The "go-to-guy" for ruffled collars is, for my money, Michel de Montaigne. Here are my deep insights into "The Seigneur."
1. Montaigne was a sweet-assed bald man. That's the way you rock middle age, baby. Grow the 'stache, hole-up in your castle-shack and start discoursin' on whatever suits your eclectic fancy.
2. The pants-less lifestyle is a central theme of the first five Arms and Ether strips. I just realized that Montaigne, actually discusses the pants-less lifestyle in his On Cannibalism. "All this is not too bad -- but what's the use? They don't wear breeches."
3. I can say I'm a sharper fellow for having taken Claude Rawson's, Literature and Cultural Reticence: The Cannibal Theme, as a young English major. Now back to drawing that damned collar.
4. Literature and Cultural Reticence: The Cannibal Theme was my second favorite course title, topped only by Black Women and Their Fictions.