Monday, December 15, 2008

Crappy Critters In The Snow

Another photographic Breugel hommage. Deep thoughts:
1. Visual energy gettin' channeled into Arms and Ether, hence decrease in drawings here. It's all for a good cause.

2. Low-cal breakthrough in Arms and Ether web design department last night. I might be on to something. Shudder. I get scared when I get that feeling. 'Cause it can often end in tears! (wink!) ;)
ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIEEEE!!!!!!

3. Maybe this blog will serve as a display for showing the non-Martha Stewartness of my life. Behold our scraggly cat and dog, tarps, tennis rackets, plastic patio furniture, extension cords and Bi-Mart pillows strewn about the back yard. I guess I should take the hammock in about now too. . .

4. But it snowed yesterday. Snowed I tell you!

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